Integrative somatic therapy for your body, mind, and Spirit!

How We Can Help?
Trauma Gates™ is the missing piece to heal from your past trauma. The word somatic means "the body as separate from the mind." While conventional therapies can be highly beneficial, they focus on the mind and cognitive reasoning. Your body has a story of its own to tell, separate from your cognitive understanding. With Trauma Gates™, your body will unpack trauma buried within the cellular memory and bring it into the light in a safe, non-retraumatizing manner. Trauma Gates™ is performed in a series of ten sessions, once weekly for ten weeks. Some clients may require more sessions depending on their level of trauma. The client remains fully clothed and has complete control of the process through choice, perception of safety, and boundary awareness.
In-person and Zoom appointments are available!
Meet Anna
Certified Trauma Gates™ Practitioner
As a Nationally Certified Massage Therapist for over 27 years, I have enjoyed helping people with their health needs. While trying to understand why some issues were so persistent and seemingly unreachable, I began studying and training in different somatic trauma modalities. Understanding how the cycle of trauma affects the brain, cellular memory, and our overall well-being has led me on a journey of discovery. I have since blended various concepts of somatic therapies with other trauma healing techniques to create something new! I've been practicing Trauma Gates™ for the past 10 years and have enjoyed seeing people experience beautiful levels of freedom from the effects of trauma.
Trauma Gates™ is not about huge cathartic releases or traditional therapeutic massage as you may have experienced, but a beautiful culmination of bodywork techniques to regulate, release, and integrate the mind, body, and Spirit. Everything I offer reflects my healing journey and ultimate desire to see everyone healed and set free! I consider it an honor to join you as you move toward your goals of excellent health!
I moved to Redding with my husband, Monty, and teenage son, Avery in 2015 from a small mountain town in southwestern Colorado. We love the Redding community and are excited to be growing our lives and business in this beautiful place we now call home!

I remember one session connecting to what I was feeling and attuning to new sensations in my body - I could be present and be with the pain instead of flying away and keeping busy in my head. My practitioner held space for me so well - she kept me focused on finding my voice/sound - when I disconnected, she carried me back to the present so I wouldn't disconnect. I loved my practitioner and look forward to doing more sessions.
- Mina M.

We'd love to hear from you!
Get in touch, your healing is a phone call away!
Email: Info@traumagates.com | Tel: 970.903.0509