About Trauma Gates™
My Philosphy
Trauma is not your fault! You do have a responsibility to do something about it, however, now that you have been made aware. Nobody can do this for you...
Healing from trauma happens slowly as the body begins to encounter “something new.” The body speaks, and I listen! When you come in for a session, you will have an experience that reaches the deepest places of your soul, leaving you feeling empowered, peaceful, and balanced.

What to Expect
Many trauma symptoms cause dysfunction in our lives and bodies, including PTSD. The Trauma Gates™ process unwinds the nervous system by using a series of proven self-regulation and resiliency techniques. This unwinding allows the body to gently release trauma from the cellular memory and complete the trauma cycle that has been stuck and incomplete. As the trauma surfaces, it can now be dealt with in the present moment in a protected and safe manner without re-traumatization. Together, we will develop a new understanding of trauma while creatively exploring identity, boundaries, resiliency, and self-regulation techniques.
The first appointment is to build connection, safety, and relationship. You will connect with your Trauma Gates™ Practitioner and complete a comprehensive intake form. The clients comfort levels are established, and agreements are made regarding moving forward.
Next, 10 weekly sessions* are scheduled and performed with the client fully clothed. The client will be asked to connect to their somatic (body) responses through sensations: "What sensations are you experiencing in your body?" Is it okay to touch?" Their response leads each session. Gateways to incomplete trauma cycles from the past will surface and be given a place to release, thus completing the trauma cycle. Release often happens with accompanying movement and/or emotions while keeping the process within the client's control, where they feel safe and always have a choice.
Trauma overwhelms the Autonomic Nervous System and its ability to regulate. Throughout the Trauma Gates™ process, the client is empowered with relevant tools and body awareness, which leads to a new sense of self, identity, and connectedness. The focus is on the body's somatic response, the sensations, not the cognitive memory and emotions of the trauma story. New neural pathways are developed, and integration takes place within a gentle, nurturing environment.
*Additional sessions may be needed depending on the severity of the trauma.
Note: It is suggested that clients are connected to a trauma-informed therapist or coach if need to verbally process past trauma arises.

My practitioner was focused and not distracted from the process by conversation. She always brought me back to the purpose and intent of the session. She expressed empathy but didn't get entangled with my stuff. She was able to connect and keep me on task, never being judgmental or assuming. She always felt the same and was supportive.
I am now much more aware when dissociating from my body and environment and can generally reintegrate with myself. I have become more vocal about uncomfortable situations and can establish boundaries.
I am better at extending grace toward myself and staying present when processing uncomfortable thoughts and feelings.
- Donna D.
Have you experienced trauma? Let's start a conversation…
Trauma Incidents
Enduring deprivation
Emotional abuse
Physical Abuse
Natural disasters
Sexual abuse (including SRA)
Urban violence
Chronic illness
Trauma Symptoms
Recurring nightmares.
Being startled easily
Difficulty concentrating
Racing heartbeat
Edginess and agitation
Emotional / Psychological
Anxiety and fear
Muscle tension
Aches and pains
Bowel irregularities
Guilt, shame, self-blame
Shock, denial, or disbelief
Difficulty concentrating
Mood swings
Withdrawing from others
Feeling sad or hopeless
Feeling disconnected/dissociation
Feeling numb
Triggered quickly/ blunt effect
(National Child Traumatic Stress Network, 2007), (Khoury et al., 2010) , (Van Der Kolk, 2014) , (Stevens, 2020), (Selva, 2017), (Kelty Mental Health Resource Center, 2022)
Trauma Gates Objectives
To release trauma that has been stored in the cellular memory of the body.
To develop new neural pathways of connection by integrating the mind, body, and Spirit.
To increase body awareness and a greater sense of self, which includes sensory development and healthy boundaries.
To feel powerful and able to self-regulate the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) through connection to sensory sensitivity and resiliency techniques.
Resolving emotional triggers.
Improves relationships and the ability to connect.
To increase the client's capacity to process life.
To accept themselves with a tender heart of nurture and love.
To encounter peace, love, and healing power.
To discover new levels of feeling peaceful, free, connected, and alive!